Become a Sponsor or Supporter

There are several ways of supporting Whole Life Times and the best is word of mouth, talking to friends and posting on social media. Other ways are by Reciprocal Linking, being a Sponsor by paying for an ad (ads are generally free) or by making a one off or regular donation ( ) either as an individual or as an organization – business, government or non-profit charity or community group. In appreciation, we can display our sponsor’s logo, which helps build public awareness.

Since our inception in 1982 we’ve had many advertisers (our early print versions had paid advertising) and supporters. Submitting an article, a news item, a forthcoming event, or suggesting a story for publication is one form of support, offering our writers media or press passes, to events like seminars or conferences or online webinars is another.

Reciprocal Linking is a new approach we are adopting. For major organizations or websites we can link via their icon or logo we place on this, our sponsor thank you page, and for smaller link exchanges (aka as swap links) we can place them on our links page ( ) or even in the Whole Life Times e-Magazine itself.