Pictured to the right, or below if using a smart phone, is an extract of our Spring 1983 Directory showing the standard three column format. The WLT Directory’s newer look is shown in the colour pic from a similar magazine.
This will remain the standard format for our online directory which will be further sub-divided into categories similar to the sections of the magazine – see under the Magazine drop-down menu for sections.
Directory entries are free to community groups, non-for-profit organizations and charities, subject to the provision that we reserve the right to decide who we provide this service to. The same applies to all advertisers. All material we publish must be in accord with our mission and vision – see under About drop-down menu.
Business or governmental directory entries can be either classifieds or display-advertisements. See under the Advertising drop-down menu, or fill out the form below for further information.
The online directory will be continuously maintained and added to. Submit at anytime and we will include in the next update.
Submit your free listing
Use the form below to submit your free listing in the online WLT Directory which will be available here as a flip-directory. There’s no time limit as it will be regularly updated.

The colour pic is like our Directory’s new look whereas the black and white pic is from a 1983 issue of Whole Life Times.