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The next issue will feature editorial and articles on the COP-26 UK Conference and it’s implications for us all this decade, one which is the most critical decade for planet Earth and all its biosphere since the dawn of evolution. While we have lined up some great thought leaders on this theme, we nevertheless invite
A bumper 77-page Summer-Issue has been well received!Plenty of positive feedback from readers in the first week. With several feature articles on COP-26 plus good readingin the other sections – mind-body, sci-tech, travel, wellness.see wholelifetimes.org/magazine-current-issue.
Our main blog is on this site at wholelifetimes.org/blog/ . However we maintain a #2 blog at wholelifetimes.wordpress.comAnd a #3 blog at wholelife-times.blogspot.com .This is for added flexibility and better google indexing.
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