Whole Life Times

WLT was a free “directory and journal of ideas and activities for personal growth, spiritual experience, healing and social transformation” distributed widely throughout Western Australia in the 80s (1982-1989). It was also on sale in newsagents. An Australian edition has lived on as a free online magazine. With this Global edition – wholelifetimes.org – we are expanding our scope and readership to the global village that includes Australia and other regions and countries. We hope you’ll subscribe and invite your family and friends to do the same.
The seeds of WLT can be traced back the 1962 book “Silent Spring” by Rachael Carson, to the social change movements of the mid-late sixties, to Paul Erlich’s “Population Bomb” (1968), Stewart Brand’s “Whole Earth Catalog” (1968-1972), Alvin Tofler’s “Future Shock” (1968) and to the 1969 lunar landing which gave impetuts to the birth to the environmentalism of the early 70s, including the first global conference on the environment (Stockholm, 1972) and the Club of Rome’s “Limits to Growth Report” (1972).
WLT also has its roots in the Australian Alternative Lifestyle movement that led to the Aquarius Festival (Nimbin, NSW, 1973); the Down To Earth (DTE) ConFest on Alternatives (Canberra, ACT, 1977) and the DTE ConFests in WA (Cambray, 1978, Nanga, 1979). WLT Magazine evolved out of the DTE Association (WA)’s newsletter that grew into a magazine – see pic of cover.
WLT today continues to be a source for ideas and activities to address the social, health and environmental issues of our time.